Ein Gedi (En Gedi as it is mentioned in the Bible) is located in the Southern part of Israel, closer to Dead Sea and Masada, a very arid part of Israel. Ein Gedi is Israel’s biggest oasis.
An oasis in the middle of desert!!! Yes, The Ein Gedi Nature Reserve is the biggest oasis on the western shore of the Dead Sea, and well known as the place where David escaped to when King Saul wanted to kill him.
Finding an oasis in a desert is in itself amazing, but an oasis with waterfalls even more so! God has made Israel super special. It was a spectacular sight to see not just one or two but seven waterfalls in Ein Gedi.
In Hebrew, Ein Gedi means “spring of the kid,” and probably stems from the ibex that have always lived here.
Ein Gedi Video
This is an ancient area, a wilderness desert of rocks and salt, where life would be beyond difficult even today. Yet, despite these harsh realities, a lush oasis defies it all…just like Israel has done over and over again.
Set between the Dead Sea and the Judean Desert, Ein Gedi has springs and waterfalls and flowing brooks at the foot of 200m cliffs.
Considering Ein Gedi is right across the Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on Planet Earth, it is totally beautiful to see waterfalls, rocks, mountains, streams etc. in Ein Gedi.
Driving from Masada to Ein Gedi
We drove from Masada (our first stop in Judean desert) 🐪🐫 to the spacious Ein Gedi parking lot. The drive was around 20 minutes from both parking lots. Our Waze GPS was accurate to take us to the Ein Gedi car parking.
At Ein Jedi ticket counter, we stood in long line to get our tickets as there were few school groups who were also visiting Ein Gedi as part of their curriculum.
Walk into the amazing green Ein Gedi Natural Reserve
The walk into Ein Gedi was a pretty easy trail. Since we have to walk through/go across the waters, we were pre-advised to wear comfortable footwear by our guide. Water was warm even in April and it was pleasant to walk on. Some of the local school group even bathed under the falls and that’s allowed.

Unless you walk inside Ein Gedi, you may not see the actual beauty of the oasis even from aerial views

Last stop of the smaller hike. You can choose to take much longer hikes too. Due to time limitations, we did the smaller hike
Although there are many springs in the area, they are tainted with salt. Only four of them have fresh water: David Spring, Shulamit Spring, Ein Gedi Spring, and Ein Arugot.
Together they supply over 3 million square meters of water each year for agriculture and drinking water, and the two streams fed by them give life to the abundant wildlife and provide exquisite beauty for visitors.
Rains at the Judean desert
The idea was to spend at least 2 hours inside Ein Gedi. We had slight drizzle after 60 minutes in to the Ein Gedi Nature reserve. Our guide Tova who takes tour groups for the last 30 years, couldn’t believe she had rains in Judean desert area in the month of April.
After 90 mins, drizzle increased to slight rains and that’s when the park rangers wanted all the visitors to move back to the entrance. So, we were asked by the park rangers to walk back to the entrance due to chances of flashfloods.
So everyone followed each other to walk back out slowly and we met this Jewish man and his family, who was super friendly. He communicated to us in Hindi, as he was in India for few months. He chatted about his good times in India and sang few Bollywood songs as well.

It was super fun talking with this Jewish gentleman, who shared his 6 month stay experience in India
Popular Biblical Scriptures on Ein Gedi
Song of Songs 1:14-17
My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blooms
In the vineyards of En Gedi.
1 Samuel 24:1-15
After Saul returned from chasing the Philistines, he was told, “David is in the Desert of En Gedi.” So he took three thousand chosen men from all Israel and began looking for David and his men near the Rocks of the Wild Goats.
Saul came to the sheep pens beside the road. A cave was there, and he went in to relieve himself. Now David and his men were hiding far back in the cave. The men said to David, “Today is the day the LORD spoke of when he said, ‘I will give your enemy over to you. Do anything you want with him.’ “
Then David crept up to Saul and quietly cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. Later David felt guilty because he had cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. He said to his men, “May the LORD keep me from doing such a thing to my master! Saul is the LORD’s appointed king. I should not do anything against him, because he is the LORD’s appointed king!” David used these words to stop his men; he did not let them attack Saul. Then Saul left the cave and went his way.
When David came out of the cave, he shouted to Saul, “My master and king!” Saul looked back, and David bowed facedown on the ground. He said to Saul, “Why do you listen when people say, ‘David wants to harm you’? You have seen something with your own eyes today. The LORD put you in my power in the cave. They said I should kill you, but I was merciful. I said, ‘I won’t harm my master, because he is the LORD’s appointed king.’ My father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand! I cut off the corner of your robe, but I didn’t kill you. Now understand and know I am not planning any evil against you. I did nothing wrong to you, but you are hunting me to kill me. May the LORD judge between us, and may he punish you for the wrong you have done to me! But I am not against you. There is an old saying: ‘Evil things come from evil people.’ But I am not against you. Whom is the king of Israel coming out against? Whom are you chasing? It’s as if you are chasing a dead dog or a flea. May the LORD be our judge and decide between you and me. May he support me and show that I am right. May he save me from you!”
Other Biblical Reference on Ein Gedi
Joshua 15:62 NCV
“Nibshan, the City of Salt, and En Gedi. There were six towns and all their villages.”
1 Samuel 23:29 NCV
“David also left the Desert of Maon and stayed in the hideouts of En Gedi.”
1 Samuel 24:1 NCV
“After Saul returned from chasing the Philistines, he was told, “David is in the Desert of En Gedi.””
2 Chronicles 20:2 NCV
“Messengers came and told Jehoshaphat, “A large army is coming against you from Edom, from the other side of the Dead Sea. They are already in Hazazon Tamar!” (Hazazon Tamar is also called En Gedi.)”
Ezekiel 47:10 NCV
“Fishermen will stand by the Dead Sea. From En Gedi all the way to En Eglaim there will be places to spread fishing nets. There will be many kinds of fish in the Dead Sea, as many as in the Mediterranean Sea.”
Psalm 104:18
The high hills are for the wild goats; The cliffs are a refuge for the rock badgers.
Entrance Fees
Adult – NIS 28, Child – NIS 14
Group (over 30): Adult – NIS 23, Child – NIS 13
Student- NIS 24
Tips for Ein Gedi
1. Bring a bottle of water. You can fill up your bottle up there and buy a snack on your way out.
2. Also bring sunscreen (depending on the season) with you, as you will be walking for a long time in sun
3. You can easily spend 1-2 hours in Ein Gedi, so plan to bring snacks or you can buy some snacks from shop at the Ein Gedi entrance
Entire Holy Land Trip Index
Trip to Israel as family was amazing. Getting to see the Holy Land which we have read and heard about since our childhood Bible story days is truly special indeed. We have put forth 50 detailed post on our DIY trip to Israel & Jordan. Check out our entire 10 Day Trip Index of Holy Land. We would love to hear your feedback.